Needs moar cowbell...
Needs moar cowbell...
All right
I like the beat but the chord change has been used IN EVERY DONCE/TRANCE TUNE I HEAR ON NG!
But your music can be put to good potential if you use original chord.
but you made very good use of the current chords!
Keep up the good work! :)
at times there is a little too much, but this makes an awesome audiosurf tune!
Keep it up!
nice tune
HOW DID it get more downloads than views? LOL XD
keep the good work up!
haha, youtube link ;P thanks!
that is dirty!
this is true dumb step!
keep it up!
but not the greatIST
I agree and thanks!
stick with Ableton live. eventually when you learn more elements to it you will be able to make a master piece.
keep it up
very deadmau5 of you. but this is more house than trance.
ps: programme?
everyone just says its Dmau5..
why should this be a Dmau5, i dont get it.
its moar progressive the housy.
but anyways, im atleast glad you liked it ^^
programme: FLS
nice tune
but it was little to slow and bored.
overall great on the variational parts
nice work
I think the tempo is ok as it is, but people can think differently :).
Thanks, I love the variation part.
Thank you for reviewing. n_n
Herp De Derp.
Keyboard Warrior
Great Marlow School
On my computer
Joined on 12/17/06